Resistance Band Speed And Agility Warmup! (EXPLOSIVENESS!)
Resistance Band Speed And Agility Warmup! (EXPLOSIVENESS!)
In today’s video, I show you 15 full-body Resistance Band exercises to help increase you or your child’s speed, agility, explosiveness and help them dominate on the court or field! We give you the exact sets, reps, and exercises to do a full activation warmup. You should add this to your workouts after your dynamic warmup but before you do plyometrics or weight lifting exercises to see maximum results!
Below you can download the PDF with the sets, reps, and exercises (pictures showing the workouts) to this Perfect Speed Training Warmup: https://twicethespeed.com/the-perfect-resistance-bands-warmup-pdf
If you are wanting to claim a set of TTS Resistance Bands, here is a link to claim a set for Free (just cover shipping): https://twicethespeed.com/yt-resistance-bands-2
Fire Hydrants – 1 Set | 10 Reps Each Leg
How To Perform: Start with the band around both ankles and in the kneeling position below. From here you will be raising one leg up to the side as high as you can. Like a dog going pee. Do 10 reps on each side.
Kickback – 1 Set | 10 Reps Each Leg
How To Perform: You will start slightly different in this exercise. Have one side of the band on your ankle and the side on the bottom of your foot. From here you will be doing 10 kickbacks focusing on your glutes and then switch sides.
Fire Hydrant Holds – 1 Set | 10 Seconds Each Leg
How To Perform: Start in the kneeling position with the band on your ankles. Do a fire hydrant as you did before except hold at the top for 10 seconds. Switch sides.
Hip Flexor Holds – 1 Set | 10 Seconds Each Leg
How To Perform: Bring your knee up with the band around your ankles. You want to have your foot slightly extended forward so you feel a tug in your hip flexor. Hold for 10 seconds on one leg and then switch legs.
Hip Flexor Drives – 1 Set | 10 Seconds Each Leg
How To Perform: You will be doing knee drives to work your hip flexors. You will do 10 reps on one leg and then switch legs. Pump your arms and drive the knee up to get into a rhythm.
Kick Outs – 1 Set | 10 Reps Each Leg
How To Perform: Drive your knee up and then hold at the top as in image one. Once here kick your leg out slightly and then back in as in the second image. Do 10 reps on one leg and then 10 reps on the other.
Knee Drives & Side Lunge – 1 Set | 5 Reps Each Leg
How To Perform: Drive your knee up as in the first image. From here, on the way down, lunge to the side once you touch the ground. In the image below the right leg lifts up and then lunges sideways with that same leg
Band In & Outs – 1 Set | 10 Seconds
How To Perform: Start with your feet together and then jump and bring them out as in the second image. Do this as quickly as you can for 10 seconds.
Quick Feet Alternate – 1 Set | 10 Seconds
How To Perform: You are going to be alternating feet in place with the bands on your ankle. You could be on a line and touch left, right, left, right, etc. Pump your arms for more speed. Do 10 seconds as fast as possible.
Wideouts – 1 Set | 10 Seconds
How To Perform: Start with your feet wide as in the first image and then jump and bring them in slightly. You aren’t going all the way in, keep the stance wide the whole exercise. Do this as quickly as you can in and out for 10 seconds.
Band Double Outs – 1 Set | 10 Seconds
How To Perform: You will be combining the previous two exercises. Start by performing two alternating jumps with the bands on your ankles. On the second rep jump out to the lateral one. Then repeat the alternating. 10 seconds total as fast as possible.
Band Hold Into Lunge – 1 Set | 5 Reps Each Leg
How To Perform: Drive the knee up with the band and hold for ~3 seconds and then proceed into a forward lunge with that leg. Do 5 reps on one leg and then switch.
Wall Hand Walks – 1 Set | 3 Times Up And Down
How To Perform: Start with the band around your hands and place your hand’s shoulder width on the wall. Slowly walk one hand up and then the next. Go up as high as you can and then back down. Do 3 total sets of this.
Lateral Hand Walks – 1 Set | 5 Reps Each Way
How To Perform: Start in a pushup position with the band on your hands. You will be moving sideways in one direction for 5 “hand steps” and then 5 back the opposite way. Keep your feet planted on the ground.
Hand In & Outs – 1 Set | 10 Reps
How To Perform: Start in a pushup position with the band on your hands. Explode your hands out and then back in for 10 reps.
Start Your Speed And Agility Journey: https://www.twicethespeed.com