20 Vertical Jump Exercises To Do Every Other Day! (Full Workout)

We HIGHLY recommending test your vert today…do this every other day for 10 days…retest your vert – then please comment your results!! You will be SHOCKED!
We give you a full Vertical Jump Workout! We go over all three phases – Dynamic Warmup, Activation Warmup, and Plyometrics!
Workout Benefits:
* Increase Your Vertical Jump
* Develop Better Running Form
* Faster First Step Quickness
Your Workout Schedule:

Toe Grabs - 10 Yards or Stationary

How To Perform: You will be on one leg and have one arm straight out in front of you. When you kick your foot back you grab it with your opposite hand that’s out in front of you and lean forward.
Toe Grab n’ Touch - 10 Yards or Stationary

How To Perform: Similar to the exercise “Toe Grabs” however you will go all the way down and touch your toe while grabbing your foot behind your back.
Knee Pulls - 10 Yards or Stationary

How To Perform: When you walk you will swing your knee up to your chest a stretch to feel your muscles activate. When you are bringing your knee to your chest you will go up on your tippy-toes.
Ankle Pulls - 10 Yards or Stationary

How To Perform: You will lift your leg to your hips and grab your heal and when you lift, stand on your tippy-toes while you are going forward.
Hamstring Kickbacks - 10 Yards or Stationary

How To Perform: Have your hands straight up in the air and then take a step and when you lean forward, go all the way down and touch your toes. You will lift your back leg behind you. An important part is to keep your legs as straight as possible.
Frankenstein’s - 10 Yards or Stationary

How To Perform: When you are walking or stationary you will kick your leg up as high as you can and have the opposite arm out in front of you and you want to try to kick your hand. This motion should be fluent.
Crossover - 10 Yards or Stationary

How To Perform: In this exercise, you will be crossing your back foot over your front laterally. Then you will bend over and touch the toes behind you. Then repeat going down and back.
Side Lunge - 10 Yards or Stationary

How To Perform: Going laterally you will lunge to one side and only that side going down. Once you go down 10 yards or 10 one way stationary you will switch and lunge the other way.
Lunge - 10 Yards or Stationary

How To Perform: You will go forward and when you take a step into the lunge you will raise your hands above your head.
Quick Feet Lateral - 2 Sets | 10 Seconds

How To Perform: Start with your feet on the left side of a line. Keeping your feet together, hop over the line and back as fast as you can for the seconds we list for you. Every time you get to the right side of the line it counts as one rep.
Quick Feet Forward - 2 Sets | 10 Seconds

How To Perform: Start with your feet on the bottom of a line. Keeping your feet together, hop over the line and back as fast as you can for the seconds we list for you. Every time you go over the line (above the line) you count one rep.
Quick Feet Alternate - 2 Sets | 10 Seconds

How To Perform: Start with your Left foot alternated over a line. Fire your Right foot forward while bringing your left foot backward and repeat this motion. Every time your right foot goes over the line it counts as one rep.
Wideouts - 2 Sets | 10 Seconds

How To Perform: Have the band around your ankles and then jump and spread your feet apart about 2 feet then jump back into having them about 1 foot apart. You jump laterally instead of front back. You will have to do this as fast as you can.
Broad Jumps - 2 Sets | 10 Reps

How To Perform: You will have both feet lined up next to each other. Then you will swing your arms and jump as far as you can infant of you. We recommend that you have a tape measure next to you to track where your back heel lands.
Lunge To Lateral - 2 Sets | 10 Reps

How To Perform: You will want to start in a lunge. Then hop landing on your back leg only with your knee up. Once you plant the landing on the one leg you will hop laterally landing on your opposite leg. Remember to land softly and controlled. After you land you will get into the opposite lunge as before and do the lateral hop back to where you started.
Single Leg Butt Kicks (each leg) - 2 Sets | 10 Reps

How To Perform: Stand on one leg and begin jumping. Each jump you will be landing on that same leg while trying to kick your butt mid-air. It helps if you use your arms in the motion as if you were running.
Random Power Jumps - 10 Max Effort Jumps
How To Perform: This is the finisher for the warmup. You will walk around where you are at and then when you are ready to do a one-step into a max effort jump.