Jump 3 Inches Higher In The Next 3 Minutes! (FULL WORKOUT)
This 3 minute Vertical Jump Workout is built for ALL Athletes! If you are looking for a few extra inches, this is the workout for you. Here are some details about the workout:
Do this workout every other day for the next 7 days!
Rest time in between exercises is 30-90 seconds
This workout does include Resistance Bands, if you don’t have any… You can claim your set here: https://twicethespeed.com/TTS-Bands-FOF-Series-1010
Here is the full Workout Breakdown:
Hip Mobility (Sides) – 15 Seconds
How To Perform: Coach CJ is using a foam roller for the exercise. However, you just need something that is 2-3 feet tall. Standing on the side of it, you will bring your leg up and around the object and then back.
Hip Mobility (Front) – 15 Seconds
How To Perform: Coach CJ is using a foam roller for the exercise. However, you just need something that is 2-3 feet tall. Standing behind it, you will bring your leg up and over then your other leg. Next will go back the other way to your starting position.
Band Chops – 2 Sets | 10 Seconds (Each Leg)
How To Perform: Similar to the “Band Holds” however instead of holding your knee you will just drive the knee up then back down and then back up. Make sure to keep your arms straight like you are running. This will help with your explosiveness and your arm movement to help with your momentum.
Clamshells – 2 Sets | 10 Seconds (Each Leg)
How To Perform: Start lying down on your side. From here you will be externally rotating your leg by raising your knee up. Return to the starting position and this is one rep.
Plank Clamshells – 2 Sets | 10 Seconds (Each Leg)
How To Perform: Just like the normal Clamshell, however you will not be resting your hip on the ground. You will be in a side plank.
Wideouts – 2 Sets | 10 Seconds
How To Perform: Have the Resistance Band around your ankles and then jump and spread your feet apart about 2 feet then jump back into having them about 1 foot apart. You jump laterally instead of front back. You will have to do this as fast as you can.
Kick Backs – 2 Sets | 10 Seconds (Each Leg)
How To Perform: Place your hands on a wall and stand a couple steps away. From here kick on leg back with the Resistance Bands pulling against it. You will look like the second image for every rep.
Single Leg Glute Ham Bridge – 2 Sets | 10 Seconds (Each Leg)
How To Perform: Start with one leg on the ground and one leg extended straight. From here you will push through the leg on the ground and lift your butt and lower back off the ground. Lower yourself back down.
Prone Kick Backs – 2 Sets | 10 Seconds (Each Leg)
How To Perform: Lay on the ground with the Resistance Band around your feet. Kick one leg back for a total of 10 reps. Switch legs and do the same.
Plank w/ Abduction/Adduction – 2 Sets | 10 Seconds (Each Leg)
How To Perform: Put the Resistance Bands on your feet and get in a plank position. From here kick one foot out and bring it back, then do with the other foot.
Single Leg Lateral Hops – 2 Sets | 10 Reps
How To Perform: Start standing on one leg. From here you are going to explode laterally off the one leg and you will land on your opposite leg. From here do the exact same thing going back the other way.Start standing on one leg. From here you are going to explode laterally off the one leg and you will land on your opposite leg. From here do the exact same thing going back the other way.
Scissor Kicks – 2 Sets | 10 Reps
How To Perform: Start in Sprint position. Jump as high as you can and kick your legs in the air and land in the same position as you started. After doing the 20 reps, you will switch sides.
Single Leg Ball Taps – 15 Seconds Each
How To Perform: You will have a ball in front, to the side of you and behind you. Standing on one let, you will balance and tap the ball with your other leg. Do this for 15 seconds each way on each leg.
Start Your Vertical Jump Journey: https://www.twicethespeed.com
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If you are a Parent, Coach or Athlete who wants to become more explosive, faster, or more agile be sure to check out The Twice The Speed Training System HERE!